Web Apps for Waste Reduction


Outreach and education made easy

Recyclopedia is a powerful online tool that provides your community with instant information and guidance on how to correctly dispose of hundreds of items and materials.

Covering everything from A – Z, a quick search on Recyclopedia will tell you whether an item can be reused, recycled, donated, or belongs in the trash. Designed for ‘just -in-time’ information delivery, two clicks is all it takes to find out what goes where.

RecyclopediaHome-Phone (2)
How it works
How it works

A comprehensive guide to the circular economy

Don’t let the name fool you. Recyclopedia covers much more than just recycling.


Reuse, repair, refill, reduce and take-it-back are all supported. Recyclopedia covers all materials management resources in the community – from curbside collection to local charities.

Cut out the confusion

Does it ever feel like educating the public just doesn’t seem to work?


When they’re not throwing recycling in the trash or putting greasy pizza boxes in the recycling, they’re ‘wishcycling’ plastic toys. Sometimes it seems like they just don’t care. 


Don’t give up.


Recyclopedia doesn’t ‘teach’ people what to do, it tells them. When they can get answers at their fingertips in seconds, making the right choice is easy.

Put it on your website, our website, or both

Recyclopedia can be fully integrated with your municipal waste page and branded to suit.

Recyclopedia makes it easy to be a waste diversion hero

Recyclopedia includes:

Have Questions? Want a tour? Ready to get started?